Friday, March 19, 2010

The World of Gaming

I think it is fasinating how gaming has changed and/or evolved over the years. I was just thinking to myself how my last blog was about the changing of technology I felt I would go a little deeper in depth and talk about how gaming has changed.

I can remember when all we had to play on was the computer at my house. We never really had a so called "gaming system," but we had fun on the computer playing those games. Now we have all kinds of gaming systems. Sure at that time they had the original Playstation out and Sega had some system out but the first system I ever had was a bootleg Atari. It was fun to play but as I'm sure you know they were before my time so they were kind of outdated and the computer games were way better than that.

Then we had the Nintendo 64 and it was awesome. We played that thing so many hours and we had so much fun with it but there was no way we could play with our friends unless they came over to our house. Then I went to my friends house and he had the coveted original Xbox. They were able to obtain ranks by playing against people all over the world. I wanted one so bad. We finally got one at christmas time to play our favorite game Halo.

Then came the Xbox 360. The new game Halo 3 came out and we were unable to play it on the Xbox. So we saved and saved our money and me and my brother bought one. Only we could not play online because we had dial up because we live in the boonies. My dad finally broke down and got Verizon Internet so we could play online. Only bad thing about it was that it was 65 dollars a month and it had a 5gb allowance a month. So we would play one weekend with all of our friends up there and we would already be at 4.5gb usage. We recently got Ntelos DSL because they upgraded to the top of Iron Gate hill where we live but we only get 1.5 download and maybe 200 upload, but it has been worth it.

I know what your thinking what does this stuff have to do with the changing in gaming? Well we went from the Atari to the N64 to the Xbox to the Xbox 360. Changes from the original game of pong to now playing with friends and/or other people from countries around the world. It is cool to think about. Pretty soon there is going to be actual games where we can go inside and play them like that new movie Gamer. I am glad technology is still changing and I am sure the billions of gamers out there would agree with me.

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