Monday, February 15, 2010

Upgrading Networks

When your Network isn't up to par and isn't performing the way you would like it to it may be time for you or your business to upgrade. When you decide to upgrade you need to really plan out your method of madness.

Extensive planning should go into every network upgrade. You need to plan outlines from beginning to end. A good plan helps identify strength's, weaknesses, oppertunities, and threats. This is called a swat analysis. The plan should clearly define the tasks and the order in which tasks are completed. Some examples of good network upgrade planning include:

- Sports teams following game plans

- Builders following strict blueprints

- Ceremonies or meetings following agendas

Network upgrades are key for employees and managers to do. They need to find security, hardware, user, and any possible flaws to maintain there network's effectiveness. If they neglect to upgrade there can be great consiquences, such as hackers, loss of information, and greater things such as loss of important information that is necessary to the jobs of the company. Network upgrades are healthy for a business as a whole and it is important to see and find holes in the network.

Help Desk

I have learned a lot about the way a business works since this class has started. Were moving very rapidly through the book and one thing that caught my eye was how big of a role the help desk plays.

The help desk technicians provide solutions to customers' network problems. Help desk user support usually exists at three levels. Incident management is the basic procedure followed when a help desk technician initiates the standard problem-solving processes. Help desk operation relies on opening trouble tickets and logging information.

Customer service and interpersonal skills are important when handling difficult clients and incidents. It is very important as a help desk employee to keep your cool under all of the difficult situations. I know I would have a hard time keeping cool when someone is cussing me and yelling to get something fixed even though its not your fault they are just mad at the whole situation and so I think them taking it out on the help desk makes them feel like the right people are getting an earfull. For the help desk people to lose their cool they could lose clients and customers, they could get into trouble or even get fired. It is important for the help desk employees to work quickly and throughly. Some of the skills that are consistently used in successful help desk communications include:

- Preperation

- Courteous greeting

- Listening to the customer

- Adapting to the customer's temperment

- Correctly diagnosing a simple problem

- Logging the call

The help desk really plays a huge role in customer satisfaction and ultimately can make or break a business. The help desk possibly plays one of the most important roles in the company.

Here is a kind of funny picture about help desks.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Changing of technology

I pondered and thought for a while today about what I could blog about. I thought about doing another boring topic out of the book, even though I can spice anything up and make it awesome I thought I would do something a little bit different. I thought that today in this blog I would talk about my views of the changing of technology.

It seems like a long time ago to me but in the early days of technology they didn't know near what they know now. I came across some pictures of earlier hard drives and storage devices and some of those things were as big as a two story house. They got better over the years and got the size down to a half of a story, then down to size of a monitor. Now hard drives are about the size of two cell phones or the length of a brick but the width of a cell phone. I'm not to good with explaining the size but you get the general picture. Storage has gotten so good it is inexpensive and the storage on them are so good. You can get a 16gb flash drive for thirty bucks or so and use to pay 400 for a 256mb. Also they have external hard drives that are thicker than the regular hard drives and they have some out now for 100 dollars with a terrabyte storage. I'm not sure I could ever fill up a terrabyte of storage and it is so ideal to use. Cell phones are changing to. They use to be huge dinosaurs and now they have some that are the size of your finger.

Technology is vastly changing and who knows how far they will come when I have gotten to the age where my parents are. Maybe then I will be telling my kids how technology use to be and they will probably laugh at me and say that is crazy how bad it sucked when you were growing up. Until then I can only lay back and watch and remember the greatness of technology in this day.
As you can see in the picture above not to many people have cell phones that look like this anymore.