Monday, January 25, 2010

Roles and Responsibilities (ISP)

Their are many teams and departments in an ISP organization. The teams and departments are to make sure that the network works correctly and operates smoothly. The teams and departments also need to make sure that the services that the ISP offer are readily available to be used and to make sure they stay that way for the most part.

Each department and team has its own role and responsibilities. Examples:

The network operations center (NOC) tests the new connection and makes sure it is working properly. The NOC notifies the help desk when the circuit is ready for operation. The help desk contacts the customer to guide the customer through the process of setting up passwords and other account info.

The onsite installation team is told of what circuits and equipment to use and when ready would install at the site of the customer.

Planning and provisioning determines whether the new customer has network hardware already or if new hardware needs to be installed.

Customer service receives the order from the customer and makes sure that the customer's requirements are accurately entered into the order-tracking database. Customer service plays a big role into the whole process. If you piss off the customer then the customer isn't going to want to business with you. Customer service for the most part has to be smooth, friendly and help the customer out in any way they can to make sure the customer feels comfortable with everything.

People use ISP's everyday but I'm sure they don't think about all of the time and effort that is put in to make these things work for them. I know I sure didn't. That's why I think it's so facinating that they put all of this stuff together and we don't even know the half of what goes into it.

In closing ISP's aren't the simplest things in the world and should be treated with a little bit of leaniency. There are so many Roles and Responsibilities that go into them they have room for error and we as the consumer should be leanient towards them.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Internet Service Providers (ISP)

When I started reading on ISP's I really didn't know what exactly their full functionality was and how someday this could help me. I found that they are used in businesses everyday. Businesses have been using the Internet for different reasons involving their companies for many years. They adapt to the changing internet everyday. They use the Internet for activities such as e-commerce, communication, training, and collaberation. A lot of bussinesses rely on the Internet because without the Internet they wouldn't exist.

I like looking at the business perspective of things not only because I work for the one my dad started for himself but I just like the whole big business atmosphere and to really take a look at all of the things they do and to learn that bussinesses use ISP's was just really cool to me and for some of them like I said earlier if they didn't have the internet they would go out of business.

Businesses connect to the Internet through the services of an ISP. ISP's not only provide connection services but also offer a range of support services. Equipment co-location, web hosting, FTP hosting, Application and Media Hosting, Voice over IP, and Tech Support are among the support services ISP's provide.

In closing ISP's have really started out small and have evolved into a huge thing that have changed a lot of businesses and lives. For some more information click the link below.

ISP's connect the world together.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Testing Blogger

This is the first day of class. I am testing this blogger site for ITN 155 the second part of Cisco. Blogging is done all around the world everyday and I am excited to give it a try.